Friday, January 21, 2011

Favorite Books

What is your current favorite book?


  1. My favorite book right now is probably Eat, Pray, Love but I thought the movie sucked!

  2. I've been thinking of recommending it to my book club. Do you think it would make a good book club book?

  3. My current favorite book, rather books, is the series "Gone", "Hunger", and "Lies". In "Gone all adults are suddenly gone. It is a supernatural series with a battle between good and evil. Hunger threatens, bullies rule, teens are mutating, starvation happens and evil lurks. These are gripping, can't put down, books.
    Mrs. Domingo

  4. I have checked out several books from the library and enjoyed them all. The most recent favorite read of mine is: "If I Should Die Before I Wake" This book takes place during the Holocaust, so it can be dark at times, but it is told from a young person's perspective and I really liked that. Good read!
